
Darkest dungeon long ruins provisions
Darkest dungeon long ruins provisions

The Bone Bearer is a champion-level monster that serves as a rally-point for groups of lesser skeletons. Should its allies fall in battle, the Bone Bearer will reanimate them, forcing the heroes to fight and kill them again and again. While it remains standing, the banner it bears will inspire any nearby undead to fight with increased strength, and its horn may imbue individual allies, living or undead with a surge of power. The Bone Bearer is an enemy that appears only in Champion-tier expeditions in the Ruins.

darkest dungeon long ruins provisions

These chittering fiends are even said to tap into the hoarish energies that animate the long-decayed corpses! A new threat whose grinding teeth and shuffling steps echo endlessly in the shadowy arcades of the ruined battlements… Theirs is a blasphemous and ensorceled flag whose presence in battle lends great strength and other unspeakable assistance to their damnable kin. The repulsive ranks of the malignant skeletons therein are said to rally around banner-bearers of extreme decrepitude.

darkest dungeon long ruins provisions darkest dungeon long ruins provisions

Several seasoned adventurers have whispered, gripping tankards of ale to hide shaking hands, that new horrors await in the deepest regions of the Ruins.

Darkest dungeon long ruins provisions